My apologies for not posting on this blog on a regular basis. I will endeavor to do so more regularly!
As we all struggle with the news that is coming out of Iraq regarding our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I offer this prayer on behalf of the people of God:
Gracious God,
We join our cries today with the
people of Iraq:
Who have seen too much violence,
Who have seen too much war,
Who have seen too much displacement,
Who have seen too much mourning
And borne far too great a
We cry out for peace.
We cry out for stability.
We cry out for healing.
We cry out for neighbors living as neighbors, as we were meant to live.
So, we turn in prayer toward our
neighbors in Iraq in their time of great need.
In solidarity with these sisters and brothers, we cry out to you:
Let there be joy where there is mourning.
Let there be hope where there is fear.
Let there be stillness where there is violence.
And let there be peace.
A just and lasting peace.
Lord, your grace abounds.
May it rest upon the peoples of Iraq and all those who suffer in your name. Today and always.
Yours in Christ, Emma.