Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Showers of Blessings

Today is the first day of the season of Lent, a time when Christians around the world reflect on their
lives in the shadow of the cross.  During this season, there are many traditions that are followed to help us draw nearer to Christ as we journey towards Easter.  These traditions include adding additional prayers or devotions to your daily routine, fasting, denying yourself something that you enjoy (i.e. a specific food or drink), and/or donating money to the church or a cause that supports those less fortunate. 

Over the years, I have practiced several of these traditions with varying degrees of success.  Whether or not you practice any of these traditions, what is important to remember that we are SO blessed by the grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Nothing that we can ever do or say can ever repay God for the perfect gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. 

It was timely for me today that I spent some time getting ready for our Annual General Meeting which will take place on Sunday February 22nd after the worship service.  My preparation has included reviewing pictures for a slide show that I will be showing during the luncheon.  We have much to be thankful for at Knox in the past year! 

May God continue to shower us with blessings during this season and into 2015.  Blessings, Emma.